by Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy
Well, that was quick. September brought a flurry of significant photographic events and, luckily, most of those exhibits are still on view. It seems many of the shows opening in October hail from beyond Boston. Near or far, ongoing or opening, here are our Best Photo Picks for the coming month, presented geographically for your convenience.
SOWA – Boston’s Art Gallery District in the South End

“Oculus, procession” by Tara Sellios, 2019, 25″ diameter inkjet print mounted Dibond, UV Luster Laminate, U-Channels, courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas.
Gallery Kayafas – Tara Sellios returns to the gallery with her special brand of intellectual intensity and painstaking artistry in Infernalis, a powerhouse solo exhibition of photographs, drawings and installation, on view through October 12th, 2019. There will be an Artist Reception on First Friday, October 4th, 2019 from 5:30 – 8:00pm. For our review, go to:
For information, go to:

“Woman Driver, South Boston” 1977 by John Goodman, courtesy of the artist and the Howard Yezerski Gallery.
Howard Yezerski Gallery – Boston-based photographer John Goodman’s solo exhibit Not Recent reaches into the past to bring together classic B&W and deliciously saturated color prints, brimming with humor and pathos. On view through October 15th, 2019, the gallery will be open on First Friday, October 4th, 2019. Read our review of Goodman’s recent show at the Addison Gallery of American Art:
For information about this exhibit, go to:
THE FENCE – The largest outdoor juried exhibit of photography is still up in Boston’s South End! Enjoy great weather and great photography along Albany Street. Read Suzanne’s review in ArchitectureBoston magazine:

Young girl in profile by Consuelo Kanaga (American, 1894–1978), 1948, Photograph, gelatin silver print, *The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum, Leonian Charitable Trust *© Estate of Consuelo Kanaga, *Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – Viewpoints: Photographs from the Howard Greenberg Collection is a celebration of the recent acquisition of this exceptional collection by the MFA. One hundred fifty enduring and endearing photographs highlight some of the most remarkable images of the 20th century and the fascinating stories behind them. On view through December 15th, 2019, this exhibit is worth several visits!
For our review, go to:
For the inside scoop on how the Howard Greenberg Collection landed in Boston, go to:
For more information on the exhibit and associated programming, go to:
Untitled #465, 2014 Hellen van Meene (Dutch, born in 1972) Photograph, chromogenic print. Courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richardson. © Hellen van Meene. Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
While at the MFA, Boston, don’t miss Make Believe, an exhibit of photographs inspired by fairy tales and its companion exhibit, Kay Nielsen’s Enchanted Vision, featuring his enchanting folk tale illustrations. The two shows embellish one another in a lively conversation across galleries. On view through January 20th, 2020. For our review, go to:
For information about these exhibits, go to:

“Shimmering, 2018” by Rebecca Norris Webb (courtesy of the artist and Robert Klein Gallery).
Robert Klein Gallery – Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb’s latest shared project Brooklyn: The City Within is an ode to this city within a city, by turns electric and meditative. You don’t have to be from Brooklyn to appreciate the sense of place or feeling of community radiant in their images. On view through November 3rd, 2019. For our review, go to:
The stunning book, Brooklyn: The City Within, becomes available this week. For more information about the show or to order the book, go to:
Left: “Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota” by Rebecca Norris Webb, Right: “Léogane, Haiti”by Alex Webb from their book and exhibition Slant Rhymes (courtesy of the artists and Robert Klein Gallery, Boston).
Leica Gallery Boston – Concurrently and in partnership with Robert Klein Gallery, Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb present their lyrical 2017 shared project, Slant Rhymes, an imaginative, elliptical visual conversation, on view through November 3rd, 2019. For more information, go to:

Installation view of Shellburne Thurber’s solo show Phantom Limb at Krakow Witkin Gallery.
Krakow Witkin Gallery – Shellburne Thurber’s solo exhibit Phantom Limb features an immersive installation of her photography exploring the “indirect but often more accurate” character revealed by the spaces where a person lives and works. Here, light itself becomes one of Thurber’s most ethereal and mesmerizing characters. On view through November 2nd, 2019, for more information, go to:
Alen MacWeeney (1939–), Untitled (from New York Subway), 1977. McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, Gift of Souren Ouzounian, 2016.184.
McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College – Drawing on its collection of documentary photographs made on the streets or in the subways of New York City, Alen MacWeeney and A Century of New York Street Photography employs imagery from pre-digital times to ignite discussion regarding today’s clash between surveillance and privacy. On view through December 8th, 2019, the exhibit is curated by Karl Baden, Boston College professor and oft-confronted street photographer. In conjunction with the exhibit, there will be a panel discussion organized by Karl Baden entitled When Everyone Has a Camera: Street Photography, the Right to Free Expression, and the Right to Privacy in the Internet Age on November 13th, 2019. For more information, go to:

“37.213667, -112.943312 (Canyon Overlook), 2019” by Nick Schietromo (courtesy of the artist and Panopticon Gallery).
Panopticon Gallery – The gallery re-opens after a summer of renovations to the Hotel Commonwealth with Re:Discover, a group exhibit featuring photographs by Alexa Cushing, Brandon Dunning, Elizabeth Ellenwood, Nick Schietromo, and Bruce R. Wahl, all current or former Panopticon Imaging staff. On view through November, 2019, for more information, go to:

“Menlo Park Lights” by Robert Holmgren. Made with Holga 120N, in camera multiple exposure (courtesy of the artist and STCF).
Somerville Toy Camera Festival (STCF) – This is your last chance! This fabulous annual festival is still on view at the Nave Gallery and Brickbottom Gallery through Saturday, October 5th, 2019. Such originality is best seen in person but to read our review, go to:
For hours, directions and more information, go to:
Gohar Dashti, “Untitled”, from the series Stateless, 2014-2015, archival pigment print (courtesy of the artist and Robert Klein Gallery).
Lunder Arts Center at Lesley University, Cambridge – In Transit is a sensitive and compelling multidisciplinary exhibit of photography, performance and filmmaking focusing on “the stories of immigrants who traverse the no-man’s land that exists between home and hope.” Curated by Peggy Sue Amison and featuring the work of George Awde, Daniel Castro Garcia, Gohar Dashti, Tanya Habjouqa, and Stefanie Zofia Schulz, the exhibition will be on view through October 13th, 2019. To read our review, go to:
For more information, go to:
Lili Almog, Muslim Girl #14, 2009. From the series The Other Half of the Sky. Archival pigment print. Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Fund for the Acquisition of Photographs, 2019.80. © Lili Almog; courtesy of the artist.
Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge – Crossing Lines, Constructing Home: Displacement and Belonging in Contemporary Art is a comprehensive multi-media exhibition featuring many photographs. Co-Curated by Makeda Best and Mary Schneider Enriquez, this multi-faceted, timely exploration of the trauma and transformation experienced by immigrants will be on view through January 5, 2020. For information, go to:
Cambridge Art Association at Kathryn Schultz Gallery – Crossing Cultures: Family, Memory and Displacement features the work of Astrid Reischwitz, Nilou Moochhala, Vivan Poey and exhibit curator Claudia Ruiz Gustafson. On view through October 31st, 2019, there will be an Opening Reception TOMORROW, Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 from 6:00 – 8:00pm, as well as an Artists Talk on Saturday, October 26th from 1:00 – 2:00pm. For hours, directions and more information, go to:

“Boardwalk, 2019” by Gail Samuelson (courtesy of the artist).
Cambridge Art Association at University Place Gallery – The 2019 Open Photo Exhibit, juried by Karen E. Haas, Lane Curator of Photographs, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, features a wonderful selection of work by notable local and national photographers, on view through October 31st, 2019. For hours, directions and information, go to:
“Bathing, 2019” by Jess Voas (courtesy of the artist and PRC).
Photographic Resource Center (PRC), Cambridge – PRC Member Invitational exhibition Between Thinking and Dreaming features photographs “exploring change and loss, blockage and maturity, love and endings” by Jake Belcher, Sage Brousseau, Jo Ann Chaus, Daniel Jackson, and Jess Voas (above). Curated by Jen Barrows and EMKB, the show will be on view through November 1st, 2019 For information, go to:
The Cooper Gallery at Harvard University, Cambridge – The Sound of My Soul presents a thorough retrospective of the jazz photography of Frank Stewart, curated by Ruth Fine. On view through December 13th, 2019, for more information, go to:
The MIT Museum, Cambridge – After traveling around the world, the critically acclaimed exhibit The Polaroid Project: At the Intersection of Art and Technology will open at the MIT Museum on October 11th, 2019, approximately a block from where instant film was first invented. Exploring the art-technology relationship through the exhibition of both art and artifacts, the show includes work by a veritable hit parade of Polaroid photographers, from André Kertész to Andy Warhol. For more information about the exhibit and its terrific associated programming, go to:

Image ©Louie Palu
Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester – The 2019 Arnold Newman Prize For New Directions in Photographic Portraiture Exhibition features the work of winner Louie Palu (series Arctic Passage) and finalists Jess Dugan (Every Breath We Drew), Cheryle St. Onge (Calling the Birds Home) and Bryan Thomas (Sunrise/Sunset). On view only until October 20th, 2019, there will be a free public Awards Reception on Thursday, October 10th, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:30pm. For more information, go to:

“Handsome One, Thoroughbred Horse, Age 33” by Isa Leshko (courtesy of the artist and ClampArt).
Opening on October 24th, 2019, at Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester in the Main Gallery, Isa Leshko’s solo exhibit Allowed To Grow Old pays homage to “the beauty and dignity of elderly farm animals and invites reflection upon what is lost when these animals are not allowed to grow old.” Other distinctive reflections on aging are displayed in adjoining galleries: Susan Rosenberg Jones’ Widow/er in the Griffin Gallery and Arianne Clément’s 100 Years, Age of Beauty in the Atelier Gallery. All are on view through December 6th, 2019. Susan Rosenberg Jones will present an Artist Talk on Tuesday, October 24th, 2019 at 6:15pm, followed by an Opening Reception from 7:00 – 8:30pm. Join Isa Leshko for an Artist Talk and Book Signing on Thursday, November 21st, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:30pm. For more information, go to:

“Inheritance Portrait #4, 2018” by Astrid Reischwitz (courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas).
Griffin Museum at Greater Boston Stage Company, Stoneham – Combining individual images creates stories, both those intended by the artist and those imagined by the viewer. In DoubleTake, guest curators Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy (yes! that’s us) have selected work by twelve photographers whose imagery in a variety of photographic genres, moods and formats suggests more than one meaning. On view through November 13th, 2019, we invite you to come do your own double take! For information, go to:

Feature Image: “Rock Bottom, 2008” by David Hilliard (courtesy of the artist and Carroll and Sons Gallery).
Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg – Photographers Sage Sohier and David Hilliard create a powerful combined exhibition in Our Parents, Ourselves, wherein images of each artist’s same-sex parent created over decades not only tell stories of physical and psychological changes but resonate with universal truths about parental relationships and aging. On view through January 5th, 2020, there will be a Gallery Talk with the artists on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 at 7:00pm.
For information, go to:

Olivia Parker, Shell in a Landscape, 2011. Inkjet print. © Olivia Parker (courtesy of the artist and Robert Klein Gallery).
Peabody Essex Museum (PEM), Salem – Order of Imagination:The Photographs of Olivia Parker features a broad selection of the photographer’s wonderfully inventive “still-life” photographs spanning her forty-plus year career, on view through November 11th, 2019. For our review, go to:
For information about the exhibit and associated events, go to:
John Thomson, The Island Pagoda, 1873. Carbon print. Gift of the Estate of Mrs. Anthony Rives. © Peabody Essex Museum. Photography by Ken Sawyer.
On view at PEM (Salem) through May 17th, 2020, A Lasting Memento: John Thomson’s Photographs Along the River Min presents 1870’s photographs by the Scottish ex-patriot with an inspired contemporary reply from Chinese photographer Luo Dan, prompting inevitable comparisons to our current trade relations with China. For our review, go to:
For more information about the exhibit, go to:

Charles “Teenie” Harris, Girl Reading on Stack of Pittsburgh Courier Newspapers, c. 1940, Silver gelatin print, 12 3/8 x 16 7/8 inches, Gift of Arlette and Gus Kayafas. Photograph by Clemetns Photography and Design, Boston.
DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln – Photosynthesis encompasses a suite of three interrelated photography exhibits that consider diverse subjects – from botanical design to news reportage – in light of current ideas about truth in imagery. Truthiness and the News, All the Marvelous Surfaces: Photography Since Karl Blossfeldt and Peter Hutchinson: Landscapes of My Life will all be on view from October 12th, 2019 – March 29th, 2020. For more information, go to:
“Arabian Horse and Trailer” from the series The Gulf by Camilo Ramirez (courtesy of the artist and NESOP).
The Garner Center at NESOP, Waltham – Camilo Ramirez’s solo exhibit The Gulf features photographs from his 5000 mile exploration of the entire U.S. Gulf Coast, revealing its inhabitants’ often contradictory reverence for and abuse of their natural resources. On view through October 26th, 2019, for information, go to:
Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley – The Museum presents recent acquisitions by two up-and-coming women photographers: Haley Morris-Cafiero and Habiba Nowrose (above). Each offers new takes on self-portraiture, posing for the camera to confront societal expectations around body image and identity. Curated by Carrie Cushman, the Linda Wyatt Gruber ‘66 Curatorial Fellow in Photography, the exhibit will be on view through December 15th, 2019. For more information, go to:
“Weeping Beech, 2018” by Bill Franson (courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas, Boston).
Ipswich Museum, Ipswich – Bill Franson’s hand-crafted solo exhibit Landscape in Blue brings a tranquil, otherworldly sensibility to the arboreal splendors of Appleton Farms on Boston’s North Shore. On view only through October 14th, 2019. For our review, go to:
For more information, go to:

Renée Cox, Chillin’ with Liberty (from the Rajé series), 1998. Cibachrome print, 60 x 48 inches. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Long Gallery
Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover – The visiting exhibition, Men of Steel, Women of Wonder presents artistic responses to Superman and Wonder Woman, from their Depression-era origins to contemporary interpretations. This multi-media exploration of American values includes many photographs and will be on view from October 5th, 2019 – January 5th, 2020. For more information, go to:
ROAD TRIP! Rhode Island and Maine!

Jesse Burke, “Call of the Wild,” 2015, from the series “Wild and Precious,” archival inkjet print, edition 3/8, Gift of Dr. Joseph A. Chazan, Newport Art Museum, 2016.019.008. (c) 2017 Jesse Burke.
Newport Art Museum, Newport, Rhode Island – Forever Young: Representations of Childhood and Adolescence explores realities and myths of youth from the 18th century to the present. This multi-media exhibition includes work by an impressive roster of national and regional photographers like Sally Mann, Rania Matar, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Abelardo Morell, Aaron Siskind, Paul Strand, Lucas Foglia, Judy Haberl, Jaclyn Kain, Susan Lapides, Jesse Burke (above), Zoe Perry-Wood, Suzanne Révy, Stephen Sheffield, and Maggie Taylor. On view from October 5th – December 31st, 2019 there will be a free, public Opening Reception on Friday, October 4th, 2019 from 5:00 – 7:00pm. For more information, go to:

“32 Years” by Deirdre Salvas, courtesy of the artist and the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts.
Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts, Providence Rhode Island – Juried by Mick Cochran, Journeys Onward explores photographic representations of personal experiences in the military. In addition, RIPCA will present Collective Cadence, a solo installation by Alicia Dietz who assembles the stories and fragments of memory to create a lasting visualization of the collective experience of military service and deployment in the Focus Gallery. On view from October 17th to November 15th. Opening reception on October 17th, 2019 from 5 to 9pm. For information:

“Kendall at Beauchamp”c. 2014 by Cig Harvey, chromogenic dye coupler print, courtesy of the artist and the Robert Klein Gallery.
Ogunquit Museum, Ogunquit, Maine – Exploring the physical and emotional boundaries of the senses, Eating Flowers: Sensations of Cig Harvey, features photography, video, mixed media and the written word in dreamlike narratives inspired by the artist’s life in Maine over the past ten years. On view through October 31st, 2019, for information, go to: