Why make so much of fragmentary blue
In here and there a bird, or butterfly,
Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye,
When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?
Since earth is earth, perhaps, not heaven (as yet)–
Though some savants make earth include the sky;
And blue so far above us comes so high,
It only gives our wish for blue a whet.
~Fragmentary Blue by Robert Frost
In memory of Paula Riff, whose joyful embrace of color, art and life will continue to inspire us all.

Paula Riff “Come Away With Me” 2019, Gum Bichromate Unique Print, 16″x 20″, from the series Blue is not the sky, courtesy of the artist’s family.

Sara Silks “Leaving Terra Firma 2” from the series Leaving Terra Firma, courtesy of the artist.

Magda Biernat From the series Fathom Line, courtesy of the artist and Robert Klein Gallery, Boston.

Ellen Wallenstein “Pigeons/Pegasus, Chinatown, NYC” 2019 from the series New York City Diptychs, courtesy of the artist.

Sal Taylor Kydd “The Girls at Beech Hill” from the series Pandemia, courtesy of the artist.

Kazuaki Koseki “Deep Forest Fairies” 2019 from the series Summer Fairies, courtesy of the artist.

Terry Evans From the series Ancient Prairies, ©Terry Evans, courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

Yukari Chikura “Children participate in the bird dance” 2012 from the book Zaido (Steidl, 2020) courtesy of the artist and Ibasho Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium.

Jim Nickelson “Winter Atlas, Ice #25, Camden, Maine” from the series The Anthropocene, © Jim Nickelson, courtesy of the artist.

Cig Harvey “Frozen Lake” 2017, courtesy of the artist and Robert Klein Gallery, Boston.

Bill Jacobson “New Year’s Day #5015″ 2013, 36″x 30″ chromogenic print mounted to 46″x 40” museum board, courtesy of the artist, Robert Klein Gallery, Boston and Robert Morat Galerie, Berlin.

Edie Bresler “Anonymous 1880 version 2” 2019 from the series Anonymous courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas, Boston.

Kimberly Chiaris “Beyond a Shadow #6” from the series Beyond a Shadow, courtesy of the artist.

Bill Franson “Waldingfield” cyanotype print from the 2018 project Landscape in Blue, courtesy of the artist and Gallery Kayafas, Boston.

Joyce P Lopez “Between Heaven and Earth #3” 2015, courtesy of the artist.
Curated by Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy.