Take me now baby here as I am
Pull me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed
~lyrics from “Because the Night” by Patti Smith & Bruce Springsteen

FEATURE IMAGE: Harry Benson “Berlin Kiss” 1996, ©Harry Benson 1996, courtesy of the artist and Holden Luntz Gallery, Palm Beach, FL.

Law Hamilton “Hungry Ocean” from the exhibit My Favorite Color ~ The Ocean, courtesy of the artist.

Chehalis Hegner & John Borstel “MOBIUS (Double Self-portrait)” courtesy of the artists.

Michael Massaia “Couple #1″ 2015, 42″x60” selenium toned gelatin silver print from the series Deep In A Dream – Sheep Meadow, courtesy of the artist and CLAMP, NY.

Jacqui Turner “Sensuality” from the series Veiled in Light, courtesy of the artist.

Sarah Hadley “Inner Staircase” from the series Story Lines, courtesy of the artist and Richard Levy Gallery, Albuquerque, NM.

Jordanna Kalman “evans” 2019, from the series Jordanna and the Masters of Photography, courtesy of the artist.

Daniel W. Coburn “Untitled” from the series Becoming a Speaker, courtesy of the artist.

Andrea Kamen From the series Behind the Glass, courtesy of the artist.

Stephen Sheffield “Peacekeeper” 14″x 11″ analog collage, courtesy of the artist.

Kyle Meyer “Unidentified 1” 2016, archival pigment print handwoven with waxprint fabric, from the series Interwoven, courtesy of the artist.

Jane Fulton Alt “Burn No. 49” from the series and book The Burn (Kehrer Verlag, 2013), courtesy of the artist and Walker Fine Art, Denver, Colorado.

Alex Webb “Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, 1996,” courtesy of the artist, Robert Klein Gallery, Boston and Stephen Daiter Gallery, Chicago.

Seok-Woo Song “Wandering Wondering #14” 2020, archival pigment print 144 x 180cm, courtesy of the artist.

Elinor Carucci “Cat Person” 2017, courtesy of the artist and Edwynn Houk Gallery, NY.
Curated by Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy