By Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy
A couple of weeks ago, we each had the opportunity to conduct online portfolio reviews at the Los Angeles Center of Photography’s “Exposure Summer Edition.” In the before time, such reviews were in-person, making evaluation of print quality a component of the discussions. But remote reviews have the advantage of much wider geographic participation and retain the most fundamental aspect of portfolio reviews: communication. One-on-one engagement with artists facilitates an active exchange of ideas and visions. We feel energized by the passion and creativity we encountered and want to share some of the inspiring photography we saw. These highlights feature images by the photographers who shared their work and aspirations with us. And like us, we hope you make some wonderful new discoveries. Links to each artist are included, so you may investigate further.

Alexandra DeFurio “Leaning Branch in Vase, 2022,” Cyanotype Triptych on French watercolor paper, Unique Variant, Hand-printed, courtesy of the artist. (Feature Image)

Geri-Ann Galanti “Sacred Dance Cordoba” from the series Dreams of Sepharad, courtesy of the artist.

Elizabeth Bailey from the series The House Next Door, courtesy of the artist.

Matthew Finley from the series Whispering Eden, courtesy of the artist.

Karen Constine “Lily & Rae” from the series #HarajukuinLA-The Garage Studio, courtesy of the artist.

Renee Barron From the Skateboarder series, courtesy of the artist.

Safi Alia Shabaik from the series Personality Crash, courtesy of the artist.

Paul Millan From the series Seattle, courtesy of the artist.

Lisa Barlow From the series Waterbury, courtesy of the artist.

Krysia Lukkason “Kern County” 2019 from the series My California, courtesy of the artist.

Michael Honegger From the series and book The Need To Know, courtesy of the artist.

Karen Pape “The Hate U Give” from the series De-circulated, courtesy of the artist.

Jennifer Pritchard From the series Reverberations, courtesy of the artist.

Robert Mason Abstract Portrait, courtesy of the artist.

Phil Straus From the Abstractions series, courtesy of the artist.

Rachel Helden From the series Yellowstone in Winter, courtesy of the artist.

Richard O’Neill “Oz” from the series Gaia, courtesy of the artist.

Daniel Sackheim From the series Unseen, courtesy of the artist.