By Elin Spring and Suzanne Révy
As a blizzard blew through Boston during the last days of January, we were happily transported to sunny, warm Los Angeles. Courtesy of the wizards at Los Angeles Center of Photography (LACP) and Zoom, we were delighted to each review portfolios at the 2022 LACP EXPOSURE Weekend. Like last year, the programming was held entirely online and, once again, the one-on-one engagement with artists facilitated an active exchange of ideas and visions. We feel energized by the passion and creativity we encountered and want to share some of the inspiring photography we saw. Today, we are pleased to present Part Two of LACP Highlights, featuring images by the national and international photographers who shared their work and aspirations with us. And like us, we hope you make some wonderful new discoveries!

“Distant Future” from The Offing Collection by Jennifer Pritchard, courtesy of the artist and On Center Gallery, Provincetown, MA.

“Dissasemble” by Lou Peralta, courtesy of the artist.

“House” pigment print on canvas from the Monument series by Paula Goldman, courtesy of the artist.

“World Trade Center” from the series First Stop Last Stop by Rita Nannini, courtesy of the artist.

“First Date” from the series The Persistence of Family by Diana Cheren Nygren, courtesy of the artist.

“Untitled” from the series Embodiment – Salvaging A Self by Sue Palmer Stone, courtesy of the artist.

“Poem for e e.cummings #1”, from the series Syllabary for a Natural World by Deborah Kaplan, courtesy of the artist.

“Oilfield, Sheridan 1” from the Fleeting Images series by Mark Curtin, courtesy of the artist.

“Adrift #25”, 2020, by Xuan-Hui Ng, courtesy of the artist and Foto Relevance, Houston, Texas. (Feature Image)

“Mane and Sky” 2016, archival silver gelatin print from the series Keepers of the West by Landry Major, courtesy of the artist.

“Plastic Wave #3” from the Plastic Waves series by Hugh Kretschmer, courtesy of the artist.

“Session 3, Moment 19” from the Stucco Sessions by John Hesketh, courtesy of the artist.

“Philios” from the Night Creatures series by Lev L. Spiro, courtesy of the artist.

“Thursday, 8:55 am” from the series Her Sink(s) by Patricia Christakos, courtesy of the artist.