If you thought September’s photographic offerings were plentiful, fasten your seat belt. October is even richer with exhibits, artist talks and events of all shapes and sizes that ignite in one fiery word: FlashPoint! Boston’s first homegrown photography festival launches its inaugural run tomorrow, October 6th, with First Friday receptions in Boston’s SoWa arts district and culminates on Sunday, October 22nd, 2017 with the FOCUS Awards ceremony at the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA. A lot is happening in between those two dates and even beyond, some of which require registration and/or ticketing. Plan ahead so you don’t miss out! For a complete listing of the activities and exhibits, go to: https://www.flashpointboston.org/

The Curated Fridge, jurored by Brian Paul Clamp of ClampArt Gallery in NYC, will be on display at Gallery Kayafas in Boston’s SoWa arts district, with an opening reception on Wednesday, October 18th from 6:00 – 8:30pm.

As part of FlashPoint Boston, the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA is featuring exhibits by six photographers in its show Gray Matters: “Apparition: Postcards from Eye See You” by J. Fredric May in the Atelier Gallery, “Sewn” by Liz Steketee in the Griffin Gallery and in the Main Gallery, Francie Bishop Good exhibits “Comus,” Marina Font shows “Mental Maps, Colleen Woolpert exhibits “Persistence of Vision” and Sandra Klein shows photographs from her “Noisy Brain” series (detail in the Feature Image at top and in full here, courtesy of the artist and the Griffin Museum of Photography).
There will be an opening reception for Gray Matters at the Griffin Museum on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Preceding the opening, there will be a gallery walk with the artists at 5:45 PM. For more information, go to: http://griffinmuseum.org/show/francie-bishop-good-sandra-klein-marina-font-and-colleen-woolpert-gray-matters/

Georgia O’Keeffe: A Portrait (4)
Alfred Stieglitz (American, 1864–1946)
Photograph, gelatin silver print
* The Alfred Stieglitz Collection—Gift of the Georgia O’Keeffe
Foundation, Sophie M. Friedman Fund and Lucy Dalbiac Luard
* Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – Two exceptional photography exhibits are on view, only through November 5th, 2017: Alfred Stieglitz and Modern America (see my review: https://whatwillyouremember.com/alfred-stieglitz-and-modern-america-at-mfa-boston/ ) and Charles Sheeler from Doylestown to Detroit (see my review: https://whatwillyouremember.com/charles-sheeler-from-doylestown-to-detroit-photographs-and-film-short-at-mfa-boston/ ). For more information about these exhibits, go to: http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions?gclid=CLOC5Ja92dYCFciIswodgKUA5A
Although Boston is undoubtedly still the hub of the universe, there are some other great photography exhibits this month outside the city that I’d like to highlight.

Rediscovering an American Community of Color: The Photographs of William Bullard at the Worcester Art Museum starting October 14, 2017.
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, MA) – Traveling photographer William Bullard left behind a trove of over 5,400 glass negatives at the time of his death in 1918. Among these negatives are over 230 portraits of African Americans and Native Americans mostly from the Beaver Brook community in Worcester, Massachusetts. Rediscovering an American Community of Color features eighty of these unprinted and heretofore unpublished photographs that otherwise may have been lost to history. Bullard identified over 80% of his sitters in his logbook, making this collection an especially rare photographic record of people of color taken before World War I and enabling both specific stories and a wider historical context regarding race, migration, immigration, and the creation of community. The exhibit will run from October 14, 2017 – February 25, 2018. For more information, go to: http://www.worcesterart.org/exhibitions/william-bullard/

Edward Weston, Nude Floating, 1939, Silver gelatin print; edition of 250, 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches, Gift of Cathy England, © 1981 Center for Creative Photography, Arizona Board of Regents, All Rights Reserved.
deCordova Sculpture Park & Museum (Lincoln, MA) – Bodies In Water, drawn from deCordova’s permanent collection, captures the myriad ways photographers have explored the human body in relation to water, contrasting its fluidity with the physicality of flesh in textured and metaphoric imagery. Organized by Koch Curatorial Fellow Martina Tanga, the artists in this exhibition include David Armstrong, Shimon Attie, Karl Baden, Stephan Brigidi, Paul D’Amato, Susan Derges, Chris Enos, Dore Gardner, Charles “Teenie” Harris, Russel Hart, David Hilliard, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew, Mary Mattingly, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, John O’Reilly, Melissa Ann Pinney, and Edward Weston. The exhibit will run from October 6th, 2017 – March 11, 2018. For more information, go to: https://decordova.org/art/exhibition/bodies-water

From the series Holdup in the Hood by Francis Crisafio, on view in the 4th Open Call Exhibition juried by Julie Grahame at PCPA in Providence, R.I.
Providence Center for Photographic Arts (Providence, R.I.) – The 4th Open Call Exhibition was jurored this year by Julie Grahame, publisher of aCurator.com online photography magazine and features exceptional imagery from photographers across the country, on view from October 12th – November 3rd, 2017. There will be an artists’ reception on Thursday, October 19th, 2017 from 5:00 – 9:00pm. For more information, go to: http://providencephoto.org/4th-open-call-exhibit-jurored-julie-grahame/

“The Lee Mansion Under Wraps”: Photographs by Rick Ashley has an opening reception at the Marblehead Museum in Marblehead, MA tonight, October 5th, 2017 from 6:00pm – 8:00 pm (courtesy of the artist).
For a complete listing of all programming associated with FlashPoint Boston, go to: https://www.flashpointboston.org/