If you love photography and happen to be anywhere in the vicinity of Boston, your ship has come in. FLASH FORWARD Boston is the week-long consortium of FREE exhibits, artist talks, exhibits, panel discussions with the movers and shakers of the photo world, exhibits, portfolio reviews (just show up, no appointment necessary), exhibits, gallery receptions and even more exhibits – all centered on emerging photographers.
It all starts tonight with an opening reception for the vibrant show, “Undergraduate Photography Now (Part 2)”, a showcase of New England’s hottest Junior and Senior student photographers currently enrolled during the 2013-14 academic year. Shown here is just a snippet of the talent represented in this exhibition, juried & curated by Jonathan Gitelson and Greer Muldowney.
The opening reception is TONIGHT, April 25 th from 6:00 – 8:00PM at 530 Harrison Avenue in Boston’s South End. The artists will be there to take your questions and discuss their widely divergent work. Imagery encompassing everything from social commentary to environmental abstraction is present – a potpourri of visual intrigue and delight.
For more information and directions, go to: http://www.flashforwardfestival.com/exhibition/undergraduate-photography-now/
Featured image: “Kmer New Year’s Festival”, archival inkjet print by Alex Lau (Emerson College)