Here we are in 2016. Gun violence continues to grow sorrowfully more commonplace everyday and we, the people, are caught in the crossfire of raging debate over gun regulation. Many photographers have taken it upon themselves to offer their own creative responses to the dilemma, not only giving voice to their feelings, but helping us define our own.

“Works of Fire 13” by Christopher Colville (courtesy of the artist and Griffin Museum of Photography).
That’s why I’m excited to see the Griffin Museum of Photography featuring six artists who are addressing the sticky issue of violence across all three of their Winchester galleries: in Bullet Points, Deborah Bay, Christopher Colville, Garrett Hansen and Sabine Pearlman photographically transform the terror of bullets, in (Re) Media, Krista Wortendyke explores the way media shapes our perception of war, and in Domesticated, Yorgos Efthymiadis examines the seduction of guns.

“Untitiled” from the series (Re)Media by Krista Wortendyke (courtesy of the artist and Griffin Museum of Photography).
All shows open TOMORROW, Thursday, January 14, 2016, with a free, public reception from 7:00 – 8:30pm and a preceding artist talk at 6:15pm by Yorgos Efthymiadis, discussing his work in Domesticated: Seeing Past Seduction. For more information about these shows, go to:
Feature Image: From the series “Big Bang” by Deborah Bay (courtesy of the artist and Griffin Museum of Photography).

“Untitled 2”, from the series Domesticated by Yorgos Efthymiadis (courtesy of the artist, Gallery Kayafas, Boston and Griffin Museum of Photography).