I pictured a rainbow
You held it in your hands
I had flashes
But you saw the plan
I wandered out in the world for years
While you just stayed in your room
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
~Mike Scott and the Waterboys

Stephen DiRado “Solar eclipse projected onto a tree stump, 2:55pm EDT, Vineyard Haven, MA, August 21, 2017” courtesy of the artist.

Anne Berry “The Magic Shell” from the series The Garden of Endearment, courtesy of the artist.

Tami Bone “The Big Dipper” from the Mythos Portfolio, courtesy of the artist, Susan Spiritus Gallery, Irvine, CA and Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria.

Chris McCaw “Sunburned GSP#575 (Annular Eclipse, Nevada)” 2012, 10″x 8″ Unique Gelatin Silver Paper Negative, © Chris McCaw, courtesy of Yossi Milo Gallery, New York.

Granville Carroll “Ori” from the series Because the Sun Hath Looked Upon Me, courtesy of the artist.

Fran Forman “Catch A Shooting Star” 2012, courtesy of the artist and Pucker Gallery, Boston.

David Hilliard “Nowhere and Here” 2018, Archival Pigment print, 40″x 60″ diptych, courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richardson Gallery, NY.

Jessica Todd Harper “Self Portrait with Catherine” 2018, 32″x 40″ Archival pigment print, © Jessica Todd Harper, courtesy of Rick Wester Fine Art, New York.

Elijah Gowin “Violet and Firefly, Danville, VA” 2016 from the series The Last Firefly, courtesy of the artist and Robert Mann Gallery, NYC.

Melissa Ann Pinney “Yellow Dress” 2010 from the series Girl Ascending, courtesy of the artist.

Tokie Rome-Taylor “Florence A. Mercy” 1 of 3 in a triptych inspired by the passing of Toni Morrison, courtesy of the artist.

Jennifer Shaw “Hand” from the series The Space Between, courtesy of the artist and Cole Pratt Gallery, New Orleans.

Amanda Tinker “Untitled (Nasturtiums)” 2018, 8″x 10″ Platinum/Palladium print, courtesy of the artist.

Daniel Coburn “Field” from the series The Hereditary Estate, courtesy of the artist. (Feature Image)
Curated by Suzanne Révy and Elin Spring.